Family Law

Home Family Law

Family law focuses on issues involving family relationships, such as adoption, divorce, child custody, estate, Will, adoption among others. We represent our clients in family court proceedings or in related negotiations and draft property agreements, deeds, Will, codicil, court petitions and other important legal documents.

We provide legal solutions and advice for Matrimonial and Family Disputes and assistance to our clients in the areas of:

  • Divorce Matters
  • Maintenance Cases
  • Cases under Domestic Violence
  • Child Custody Matters
  • Restitution of Conjugal Rights
  • Dowry Cases
  • Rights of Hindu Women in Undivided Property
  • Cases pertaining to Rights of Muslim Women
  • Registration of Marriages and Non-Resident Indian (NRI) Divorce Matters

We the firm also provides free legal aid to deserving persons who may not necessarily be able to afford the same, through various charitable organizations.

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